This project is focusing on time and space in the digital
and physical worlds. I am specifically focusing on Marshall McLuhan’s idea of
“allatonceness” and that “Information pours upon us, instantaneously and
continuously. As soon as information is acquired, it is very rapidly replaced
by still newer information.” In his book The Medium is the Massage, written in
the 1960’s, he discusses a new city of the future that he terms “an information
megalopolis,” which I represent via the Internet and social media. Generally, I
think McLuhan views this continuous stream of information as a positive thing
and a way to connect people, but I aim to show through this video that it also makes
us less aware of where we are in physical space. Thinking about time, it also
takes us out of the present and places us in a vacuum of “internet time”, which
seems to go faster and consumes our awareness of the present.
How much time do you spend each day scrolling down?